3 months ago

BOAT LIFTS & SERVICE (Annapolis/Arlington/Stevensville)

**Delmarva Boat Lifts LLC** specializes in the installation and service of boat lifts throughout the Delmarva region…Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River. Service rates starting at $125.00/hr

We are the areas leading distributer of Neptune Boat Lifts; the fastest most reliable all aluminum boat lift on the market today. www.neptuneboatlifts.com

We also service and repair most major brands of lifts including but not limited to: Magnum, Hi and Dry, Up and Out, Quality, Hi-Tide…ect

Delmarva Boat Lifts, LLC sells, installs & services all makes and models of boat lifts. We are the local distributor of Florida-based Neptune Boat Lifts.

You can call anytime for a free quote and feel free to check out our website @ www.delmarvaboatlifts.com. Mike 410.533.9630

MHIC# 99223

Listing ID: 13885