We have become aware of dangerous occurrences during the raising and lowering of waste container skips from [hook container handling device][1]. This note highlights the potential for similar failures, and action that can be taken.
Mismatch can occur due to the lifting hook slipping behind the hook bar fitted to the container skip, or by the lifting hook connecting to the wrong part of the container framework. The operator of the lifting mechanism is typically located within his vehicle cab during loading and unloading, away from the hook .
Within the UK, historically lifting hooks and container-skip hook bars are built to the CHEM (Container Handling Equipment Manufacturers) guidelines. Construction to these guidelines will ensure there is insufficient space within the container skip framework for the lifting hook to pass under and there are no other parts of the skip to inadvertently connect to.
However, it cannot be assumed that all hook-loaders and container skips will be built to compatible standards. Whilst other designs may not be inherently unsafe suppliers, hirers and operators of equipment should ensure that hardware measures, information, instruction and training are provided to control the risks of mismatch.
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