Mass Maritime Marine

Marine Surveyor

Marine Surveyor For Hire

Serving all of New England

781 337 6903

Captain Montanez is the principal owner of Mass Maritime Marine. He maintains a U.S.C.G. Master Mariners License of Unlimited Tonnage Upon Any Oceans and has a U.S.C.G. QMED / Junior Engineers endorsement Unlimited Horsepower.

A subject matter expert of the maritime industry with over 44 years of experience in both the recreational and commercial marine industry.  Capt. Montanez is a 1981 graduate of Massachusetts  Maritime Academy and is an  accomplished “Master Marine Surveyor.”  He is an accredited surveyor with the Association of Certified Marine Surveyors #324 and a member of the International Association of Marine Consultants and Surveyors  (IAMCS). 


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