7 years ago

Scaffolding For Sale


Adtomall Provide Security,The Most Competitive Products and Services of Engineering Materials. Included: Scaffold For Sale,[Scaffolding][1],Steel Pipe,Scaffold,Scaffolding For Sale and So On.

Essential features
There are three essential features of scaffolding that facilitate learning. The first feature has to do with the interaction between the learner and the expert. This interaction should be collaborative for it to be effective. The second, learning should take place in the learner’s zone of proximal development. To do that the expert needs to be aware of the learner’s current level of knowledge and then work to a certain extent beyond that level. The third feature of scaffolding is that the scaffold, the support and guidance provided by the expert, is gradually removed as the learner becomes more proficient. The support and guidance provided to the learner is compared to the scaffolds in building construction where the scaffolds provide both “adjustable and temporal” support to the building under construction. The support and guidance provided to learners facilitate internalization of the knowledge needed to complete the task. This support is weaned gradually until the learner is independent.

Effective scaffolding
For scaffolding to be effective teachers need to pay attention to the following:
The selection of the learning task: The task should ensure that learners use the developing skills that need to be mastered. The task should also be engaging and interesting to keep learners involved.
The anticipation of errors: After choosing the task, the teacher needs to anticipate errors the learners are likely to commit when working on the task. Anticipation of errors enables the scaffolder to properly guide the learners away from ineffective directions.
The application of scaffolds during the learning task: Scaffolds could be organized in “simple skill acquisition or they may be dynamic and generative”.
The consideration of emotive or affective factors: Scaffolding is not limited to a cognitive skill but it also relates to emotive and affect factors. During the task the scaffolder might need to manage and control for frustration and loss of interest that could be experienced by the learner.
Encouragement is also an important scaffolding strategy.
Theory of scaffolding.

f you will do our own roofing, then you might need the scaffolding as tools, then we may help you.


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