Home All Listings Tribute to the United States Coast Guard in Our Nation Capital
8 years ago

Tribute to the United States Coast Guard in Our Nation Capital

The Coast Guard Foundation hosts tribute dinners across the nation to build awareness of the sacrifices U.S. Coast Guard members make each day and to recognize those that have gone above and beyond. Each tribute also raises funds for the Foundation philanthropic programs œ including scholarships and support for local morale efforts œ to assist those that serve this country.

Today, the Coast Guard Foundation has announced that they will host their national (and one of their most prestigious) event on June 8, 2016: the 12th Annual Tribute to the United States Coast Guard in Our Nation Capital. Held at the National Building Museum, Washington, D.C., the tribute will highlight the aviation sector of the Coast Guard and the individuals that paved the way for those that serve today.

This gala event attracts individuals and business executives from across the country who support our men and women of the Coast Guard.

**For More Info please**

or see us on the Web

[**Coast Guard Foundation Headquarter.org**][1]

394 Taugwonk Road

Stonington, CT 06378

Phone: 860-535-0786

Fax: 860-535-0944

[1]: http://www.coastguardfoundation.org/

Listing ID: 18932